Daily Archives: April 14, 2010

You’ve Got Mail

I received a letter from Snoop today.  It was addressed to his mommy, but he forgot the address, so it was forwarded to me at work.  Weird.

Dear mommy,

I’m here at this big park, where I get to run all day with all these other cool dogs.  I eat whatever I want, but I never get full. It’s hella cool.  It never rains here, so I don’t have to wear a garbage bag or anything.  Thought you’d like to know that.  I MISS YOU!  Although, I don’t have any seizures or pain anymore, I miss you taking me out on our walks and cleaning my eyes when you get home.  I’ve been watching you since I left my body at home.  Can you tell grandma that she was sweet for rubbing my back.  It made me feel comfortable.

As I was saying, I’ve been watching you on this television that they have by the park here.  It seems like all the other doggies watch their t.v. too.  A couple of doggies though don’t get one, so I guess their mommies weren’t nice or something, or maybe they were bad.  I don’t know.  I don’t like it when you cry mommy.  I miss you, too, and our magic carpet rides, but I like not having to guess when I was going to have another seizure.  It sucked.

I just wanted to write a quick note that I love it here, and although I can never love it as much as home with you and pops, it’s way better than walking on earth not knowing what’s up.  I love watching my t.v. and seeing you and dad talk about my antics:  stealing a fry from the coffee table, running to my “safe zone” i.e. papasan, after I done something wrong, me popping my head up while I’m sleeping, as dad tries to get more of his blanket under me, while I ignore him and go back to sleep.  I love watching this t.v., because after my day running around, sniffing EVERYTHING, and not waiting for my leash to do whatever I want, I can always turn on this t.v. to watch you.  I like it when you laugh and smile.  I know you miss me, mommy, and maybe not as much as I miss you, but watching you so sad all the time is like watching a Korean drama.  It’s not raining in the house mom.  Although, I did see you chug some soju to fall asleep.  Bad mommy. 

I love you and when my ashes come back, you’ll feel my spirit in the house.  Well, that’s what dad’s brother’s dog said…I think you met him, Oz.  He thought daddy was lazy too.  Hahaha…we crack up on sharing stories about daddy.  Anyways, I better go back to watching you on my t.v., because you should be getting ready for work right about now, and as you know, I always watch you when you get ready.

Again, one day, you’ll feel better without me being physically there…just remember, I’m always watching and loving you from my t.v. up here.  I don’t even have to pay cable.  Hehehe…btw, I only get to send one letter, so I’m trying to make this one count. 

T.V. mommy…it’s how I watch you, so I’d like to see some smiles and laughing from time to time.  I know I was cool and stuff, but seeing you sad makes me sad.  Me not want to feel so sad anymore.

I loooove you…and when my ashes come back, make sure daddy doesn’t throw his cigarettes in there.  If he does, I’m gonna bark and haunt him…hehehe…kidding. 


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